Sunday, April 6, 2008,2:29 PM
I love my Dad
I just told my dad i lost my phone. The conversation goes something like this.
In the kitchen (Dad heating up some tonic soup)Me: Daddy, i got something serious to tell you. *act a exaggerating serious that makes him laugh*
Daddy: What? *being attentive*
Me: Let's handle this matter like an adult alright.
Daddy: Uh huh.
Me: Ok. I lost my phone.
Daddy: How?
Me: (told him the story)
Daddy: Oh.
Me: You ok with that man? *act like a nigga, gesturing for a hug*
Daddy: Yeah. *hug*
Both started laughing.
One of the reason i love my dad is because he's funny. You gotta see the mood though. I can't deny that i adore my dad because i think he's the coolest dad in Singapore, hah. And he's MY dad.
If i tell my mum i lost my phone.. .. .. I can never imagine what will happen.. The clouds will start to get darker. You started hearing thunder.. Imaginging it alone freak me out.. She'll probably nag her entire life over the fact that I lost my phone.. I guess it's better we keep it away from her.. For her sake and ours, hah.
,2:11 PM
Lost My Phone.. Fuck!
Went MOS with Shirlyn and friends last night. Though i was sick, we'd had fun. Everything went well until I lost my phone.. I was at the dance floor when the phone was stolen from my pocket. Another friend also had his phone stolen when it was still in his pocket a few mins ago.. We went to the management to report the case and there were also others reporting. Many theft going on in MOS recently it seems.
Using Sony Ericsson Z610i now. I don't intend to make it a police report since i don't think they can get my phone back for me so save the trouble of me making that long trip. I didn't tell my dad about it but i had to since the sim card is under his name and so he needed to go to the M1 outlet personally to get a replacement. Dammit.. I thought i can get everything solve myself..
Now how am i suppose to tell my dad.. Hmmm..
Thursday, April 3, 2008,10:41 AM
Went MOS with Suba yesterday. Had quite alot of drinks cause i was troubled, with family and all.. I needed just someone to hug and assure me that everything's gonna be alright..
After my dad came back, there's been alot more problems than usual. Fightin, screaming, arguing, things flying here and there.. I thought i can have some cool time chilling with my girl, but why do my dad have to call me to tell me things just will never work out between him and mum.. I mean, why are you telling me this? What do you want me to reply..
That call really ruin the night, thus i had a little more drinks than before.. Dammit..